Stripe integration

Job Boardly makes it easy to monetize your job board through customizable job post pricing options.

Using our Stripe integration, you can quickly and easily set up payment options for basic, promoted, and featured job posts. Our Stripe Checkout integration allows users to easily and securely pay for job postings.

Basic jobs

Basic job posts are a great option for companies who want to post a job without extra attention. These job posts are listed on the job board with no highlighting and move further down the list as new jobs are posted.

Promoted job posts offer a bit more attention for companies who want to stand out. These job posts are highlighted and move further down the list as new jobs are posted. Promoted job posts catch job seekers’ attention and increase visibility, making it easier for companies to find the right fit for their job.

For maximum visibility, featured job posts are the way to go. These job posts are highlighted and stay pinned to the top of the job listings, ensuring that they are seen by job seekers before any other jobs. Featured job posts are a great option for companies who are looking for quick results or are having difficulty filling a job position.

Connect External Payment Provider

We also allow for connecting to most external payment providers through a payment link. See full instructions on how to set up external payment providers.

Stripe integration